Angelica Munoz


Angelica Munoz

Marta Moretto, a native of Genoa, discovered her artistic calling early, clinching her first art prize at just 8 years old. Following a scientific education, she pursued her passion through art school, solidifying her foundation for a career in the arts. Since 1987, she's been an influential figure in Genoa's art scene, initially as the artistic director of Ex Arte, a monthly magazine dedicated to art information and critique.

In 1989, she founded COMA, later establishing ICONA in 1990, both ventures specializing in visual communication. Transitioning to freelance work in 1993, she focused on promoting cultural events in her city. Her artistic prowess extends beyond illustration; she ventured into video-making, earning recognition for her short films showcased at prestigious festivals like the Genova Film Festival.

Her artistic journey took her across Italy, residing in Sicily, Naples, and Ancona before returning to Genoa in 2007. This period of exploration and reflection inspired her projects, earning her accolades and awards across various artistic domains.

In 2017, her venture into digital art with "Waves | Entropy" earned her the esteemed "Golden A' Design Award" in the category of "Photography and Photographic Manipulation." This recognition, bestowed by the International Design Academy, marked her excellence on the global design stage, a testament to her innovative approach and creative vision.

Marta Moretto's artistic journey encapsulates a fusion of creativity, exploration, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, resonating across diverse mediums and captivating audiences worldwide. Her art speaks volumes about her journey through life, illuminating hearts and minds with its profound depth and insight.

For a comprehensive view of Marta Moretto's achievements and ongoing projects, her profile can be explored at and SeeMe. Her exhibitions continue to grace prestigious galleries and events, showcasing her unwavering commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and inspiring audiences globally.