Guest User

Vania Elise

Guest User
Vania Elise

Vania Elise

“My perspective on identity and self reflection is always expanding. I feel that Identity can cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. Especially, when we identify with things in physical form or what we do instead of who we are at a soul level. We may use our personality, genetics, or other people's opinions of us to identify with. This can be especially limiting for us. We tell ourselves stories about ourselves and when one of these things falls through, it can be quite uncomfortable for us. This is why I believe that self reflection is one of the most important things you can do in this life.
Self reflection is an amazing tool we all can use to learn some of life's greatest lessons and minimize a whole lot of struggle. When we don't take the time to self reflect, we become lost and incomplete. We may have to repeat lessons multiple times before we get it. Or maybe we never do, if we never use this tool to become self aware.”

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