Guest User

Adam Makarenko

Guest User
Adam Makarenko

"I create miniature dioramas from scratch and then photograph the sets."

"My background is film and photography.I create because it's a quest, and a journey where I'll never reach the end. I work with miniatures because it allows me to tell a story, or express an idea that would otherwise be impossible through conventional means."

"I am inspired by mystery, science, and art.I usually get inspired by a concept, story. Later on I'll sketch this idea into a notebook, and then sit with it for a while. After a period of time I eventually decide whether or not to create the drawing in miniature. When I finally take the plunge it's a huge leap of faith, because it involves a lot of trial and error. I am always creating things from scratch, and trying to think about how I'll shrink things down into a miniature realm. The work is challenging, but ultimately rewarding."

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