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Vasilisa Palianina-Kalenda

Guest User
Vasilisa Palianina-Kalenda

"I'm using all suitable tools to create my project."

"There are absolutely no restrictions in the choice of visual language. I define the problem, subject, topics depth and use the visuals that suite for this. Often I'm using photo materials in the art works. I work a lot with the self-portrait as a way of expressing the intimate problems. I use embroidery, fabric (referring to the feminine), love the graphics. There are lot of my projects consists of installations and video cuts. It all depends on the specific problem as I said."

"There are no restrictions, there are experiments. Not afraid of crossing your personal line and discover new opportunities for yourself!"

See Me and Squarespace are proud to present the story of photographer Vasilisa Palianina-Kalenda.

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